AquaAction Partners with 1% for the Planet: A Remarkable Journey of Connection


I am thrilled to share some incredible news with all of you – AquaAction has officially partnered with the esteemed 1% for the Planet network! The story behind how this partnership came to be is nothing short of amazing. 


Just a mere four months ago, I embarked on my journey with AquaAction. During those early days, I voiced my aspiration to collaborate with 1% for the Planet. For those unfamiliar, 1% is a global organization dedicated to uniting businesses with environmental causes. By uniting a coalition of enterprises committed to allocating at least 1% of their profits to champion a healthier planet, 1% for the Planet facilitates positive change on a grand scale. 


At AquaAction, our mission revolves around rejuvenating the health of freshwater ecosystems in North America. The vision of 1% for the Planet aligned seamlessly with our goals. 


Yet, I quickly learned that access to the program required a referral from a sponsor. This marked the beginning of our quest to find a fitting sponsor to propel us toward our collaborative aspirations. 


Fast forward to my third month as VP of Partnerships, US at AquaAction, where I found myself at the Collisions Conference in Toronto, accompanied by my colleague, Kayla Menu-Courey. The event offered us a golden opportunity to connect with fellow Planet Positive enthusiasts who were equally dedicated to making a meaningful impact. To maximize our impact, we divided our efforts to cover more ground, agreeing to rendezvous later in the day. 


As fate would have it, our designated meeting time led me to Kayla, standing alongside a conference attendee adorned in a 1% for the Planet T-shirt and matching backpack – a walking emblem of their mission. With an uncanny recognition, Kayla introduced me to Alex Johnson, who had coincidentally aligned his company, The Disruption Society, with 1%. Alex’s enthusiasm was palpable, and in that serendipitous moment, he extended to us the privilege of becoming an official environmental partner of 1% for the Planet. Notably, he also expressed his eagerness to be our inaugural environmental partner. 

This connection is more than a partnership; it’s a dynamic fusion of like-minded entities bound by the common goal of fostering change. With Alex’s support, AquaAction is poised to empower a new generation of ingenious innovators, amplify their technologies, and foster their transformation into catalysts of change for the health of our freshwater systems. 


Alex Johnson, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you. To 1% for the Planet, we express our profound thanks. And to Kayla Menu-Courey, we are indebted for your remarkable role in this journey. 

On behalf of AquaAction, we say a resounding THANK YOU! 


Visit our 1% profile by clicking here.